And within every man lies all the qualities of a woman. It is said to be based on the esoteric lessons brought by Hermes Trismegistus himself passed on to the ones called Three Initiates. These being Immutable and Mutable Laws. Love is of the highest vibration and hate is of the lowest. The Symbolism of the Tarot: The Minor Arcana, The Symbolism of the Tarot: The Major Arcana, My Reading with Kristine from Psychic Source – Review, Get the best Psychic Reading Ever – Best Psychics I’ve Reviewed, The Cathars: the struggle for and of a new Church, The Strange Stone Discs of Baian-Kara-Ula, William Blake: What paintings of visions come. The whole universe is made up of energy and they all vibrate in different frequencies. But in truth they are simply varying degrees of the same thing, temperature. The 5th of the 7 Universal Laws tells us that ‘Everything flows, everything has its tides, all things rise and fall, a pendulum that swings to the right swings to the left in equal measure, what goes up must come down, rhythm compensates.’. There is no separation since everything in the Universe is connected. The 7 Universal Laws. You may opt-out if you wish -. All things in nature be it rock, animal, wood or human has both male and female equals. Rocks, trees, oceans, stars are all energy. It is the Alpha and Omega of the Universe. It states that “Nothing rests; everything moves; everything vibrates”. One of the most straightforward laws of the universe, the Law of Cause and Effect tells us that all actions have a corresponding reaction. The Law of Cause and Effect applies on all three planes of existence, the spiritual, the mental and the physical. What you think, you become. Whatever your endeavor may be, keep focused on your outcome and remain positive no matter how far back the tide pulls you. All things move in a particular pattern. So this is not new knowledge. All energy and matter at all levels is created by, and subordinate to, the Omnipresent Universal Mind. These basic and general Seven Universal Commandments are; ~ 1) The prohibition of worship of false Gods/idolatry (The essence of life is to recognize and believe in the Supreme Being, the Creator of the universe, accepting His laws with awe and love. Ancient mystical and esoteric groups all use these 7 Universal Laws of the Universe at the core of their teachings. Everything is energy, including everything about you. Everything in the Universe is governed by these laws and that includes you too. Because all Realms are in harmony, whatever transpires in one realm, affects the others realms. These sacred laws that balance all forms of life and matter are called the 7 Universal Laws of the Universe. An understanding of this great hermetic Principle of Mentalism enables the individual to readily grasp the laws of the Mental Universe, and to apply the same to his well-being and advancement. These laws create a perfect harmony within the three planes. Seeking Clarity? It’s just the proper application of science. Whatever your vibration, frequency, or whatever you resonate with is what you’re going to draw into your life. It discusses the secrets of the universe and metaphysics and what role humans play in it. Everything is equal. 5000 years ago, the greats minds of these great civilizations learned these laws, tried to master them and were able to create wisdom, beauty, philosophy and architecture that we still value up until today. Start living a spiritual life and take your personal development to the next level with and amplify your ability to work the 7 Universal Laws with Reiki. They exist, whether you’re aware of them or not; much like the Law of Gravity pulled everything to the ground long before you knew it had a name. To understand the secrets of the Universe think in terms of energy, frequency and vibration. However, one may seek to learn them and read about them to live by them. There are seven Universal Laws or Principles by which everything in the Universe is governed. Welcome to Your Personal Guide to the 7 Universal Laws. Sometimes we are on top of the wheel, sometimes we are at the bottom. Try my free online Rune Readings! Meditate for 30 minutes twice a day. There are seven Laws that govern all of the Universe's processes of creation, administration and evolution. Activate your spiritual heart, enhance awareness and expand your consciousness today! You will discover the inherent power hiding within you and learn how to control your environment and everything within it. (Immutable) – EVERYTHING WAS ONCE A THOUGHT. Detailed, in-depth aspects are included within each basic law, making them … The 2nd of the 7 Universal Laws tells us ‘As above, so below; as below, so above’. Civilization after civilization passed down the knowledge of these laws to wise hermetic scribes, healer and seers. The 7 Universal Laws Law of Mentalism (Immutable) This is the first of the immutable Laws and tells us that the universe has been created through the Divine Mind and the will of God. The Law of Polarity. But in the vastness of the Universe lies laws that govern the movement of all the stars and planets and the manner of things that live in it. Cuddle up with someone. These laws can be transcended and our will and consciousness can go above these Laws and create a become masters of our own fate. The Talmudic sages expanded the concept of universal morality within the Noahide laws and added several other laws beyond the seven listed in the Talmud and Tosefta which are attributed to different rabbis, such as prohibitions against committing incest, cruelty to animals, pairing animals of different species, grafting trees of different kinds, castration, emasculation, homosexuality, pederasty, and sorcery … How we perceive things depends on these things vibrate and move. These laws have been called many names but in truth there are just seven of them. When you awaken this power and understand how it operates, you become the master of your own existence. God is within you. These laws maintain balance and order in the wide cosmos; be it with the spiritual, mental or physical realms. Spookily accurate say our readers! The Law of Correspondence. The idea of someone being lucky is a term used by those who are ignorant to the Universal Law of Cause and Effect. They are, by nature, the same thing. The 12 universal laws 1. And when you choose to experience such things, you send out an energetic signal that attracts the same energy back to you. The Science of Being was written in 1923 and focuses on the power of humanity to rise above the one’s self. Thus negative energy will beget negative energy and positive energy will beget positive energy. These 7 Universal Laws of the Universe can be traced back over 7,000 years. It's simply a matter of choice. More specifically YOUR choice.Depending on where you are...the kind and quality of results that you're currently experiencing, that may \"seem\" to be quite puzzling. In the Spiritual Plane, every cause begets an effect right away. What reality you choose is up to only you. By always placing the all-powerful, all-knowing Great Spirit of which you are a part of behind your every thought, statement and action, and by always focusing on the lesson of the experience while being in a state of neutrality, even when things appear to be going ‘bad’, in time you will rise above the Law of Polarity which currently governs most of the human species. Everything has a vibration (Think: vibe) to it. You create energy with your emotions, feelings, thoughts, desires and impulses. The laws of success are easy to understand and apply. Back and forth, up and down, in circles. When we see life as full of suffering, we suffer and if we see life as full of opportunities, we thrive. And the more energy and belief you give to this process the more effective and successful it will be. Our thoughts actions are energy and energy attracts like energy. They can not be changed or avoided as they have always existed and will always exist. These concepts will help you manifest your desires. The tide must come back in with time and your efforts will be rewarded when the rhythm of the tide starts it’s opposite motion again. However, perhaps you haven't considered how this law might be applied to the spiritual aspects of our universe. The sixth of the Seven Laws happens in all planes. For example…. On the other hand, the Law of Polarity or Duality exists only for the mental and the physical planes and does not correspond the to the spiritual plane where the Great One exists. And work towards taking absolute control over your being and you will begin to understand the true meaning of freedom. Your entire reality is a manifestation of your own mind. var d=new Date();var n=d.toLocaleDateString();var t=d.toLocaleTimeString(); document.write(n + "
" + t); Want to know your future? These seven laws and what they mean are outlined below: The Law of Manifestation This law means that anything we focus on constantly […] Be it the oceans and seas, the sun and the moon, the wind, the tides and life itself moves in rhythm much like music. The first three of the Universal Laws are immutable. This video will explain the Universal Laws in a way that will help you operate them much more effectively. If you learn these laws and align yourself to them, you will experience psychic growth and transformation. And since the One is the one who creates the tides of life, and He is one with us then we are also capable to control the tides. Universal Law #7: Law of Manifestation. God is not only outside you. If you enjoyed this article on the 7 Universal Laws and don’t want to join my email list you can purchase The Kybalion. To rise above the Law of Polarity and gravitate towards the positive pole, one must change his or her vibrations and work towards understanding the Fourth Law and vibrate to the positive pole. It tells us that there is a single Universal Consciousness, ‘The Universal Mind’, from which all things manifest. The first three laws are absolute and unchangeable. And when you understand energy and learn how to control and apply it, you will learn what true freedom really means. Deborah’s Seven Universal Laws course is a unique look into the phenomena that govern our universe. Of the seven, four are fundamental, for they control the development and evolution of the consciousness of the human species anywhere in the Universe. They are eternal Laws which are absolute. Thoughts + action = manifestation. In accordance with this Law, every effect you see in the outside world, or your outside physical reality, has a very specific cause which has its origin in your inner or mental world. Check out our latest video, Abraham Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs. The mind is everything. You are one with the Omnipotent Universal Mind and are the incarnation of The One True Source, making everything possible. Which will allow you to take charge of your direction in life while choosing how you experience the journey. If one desires true love for instance, one must first feel true love to attract true love. The 7 Universal Laws are divided into two categories. And the masculine qualities are energy, self reliance, logic and intellect. The purpose of Karma is to attain harmony. These laws can be changed a bit in order to make our existence better and be able to harness the Universal gifts. And live in harmony with themselves and their environment. The third and last of the immutable Universal Laws tells us that ‘the whole universe is in vibration’ and science has already confirmed that everything in the Universe, including you, is pure energy vibrating at different frequencies. Going back to the ancient civilizations, we can trace how the wise men and women of Egypt, Greece and India discovered the 7 Universal Laws. The Great One is neither one pole or another and thus is not affected by this law. The only difference between your mind and the Universal Mind being a matter of degree. It slowly moves forward until it reaches a point where it pulls itself back. It is also the first of the mutable or transcend-able Universal Laws, meaning they are laws you can learn to rise above. Understanding them and how they can work for you will take you far in this life. 7. The Seven Universal Laws govern everything in the seen and unseen universe. The balance and harmony throughout the Cosmos is governed by these 7 Universal Laws of the Universe. Eventually the effect you want to see is seen in the Physical World. If your life is a blank wall, your mind is the projector. Time and space bend and thus the effect of things from the mental plane may have a delay due to the bend in time. Up to this day, the knowledge of these laws is greatly valued. The goal is to share our gifts to one another. Some receive spiritual gifts. The first three of the 7 Universal Laws of the Universe are immutable Laws. The Law of Rhythm states that all things move in rhythm. Moon is traveling through Cancer today. Within every woman lies all the qualities of a man. You will essentially be raising your vibration higher and higher until you can manifest the reality you desire with relative ease. Reiki Solas® is an advanced system of healing used for personal growth and spiritual development. What your mind projects is the experience you call life. The Spirit Realm is in harmony with the Mental Realm and the Mental Realm is in harmony with the Physical Realm and all of three of them are in sync with one another. Hot and cold are both degrees of temperature. You are made up of energy. To master yourself you must master your mind for everything in your reality is the creation of mind. If you choose the vibrate at a higher frequency, you must gravitate towards positive vibrations. The Law of Cause and Effect. The Ancient Greek Temple of Apollo at Delphi referred to the ‘Law of Correspondence’ in the inscription. “Know thyself and thou shalt know all the mysteries of the gods and the Universe”. The same applies to your thoughts, emotions, feelings and life experiences. The energy you attract matches the energy of your emotions, feelings, thoughts, desires and impulses. And each one holds an important key to help you create balance and harmony within yourself and your own life. Understand these 7 Universal Laws and apply their secrets in your daily living. Our minds are part of the Universal Consciousness and thus we are one with it. Everything is energy and energy vibrates and constantly moves. This law states that all everything you do be it in thought or in action will affect other things. The Universal Law of Mentalism. Even though the Law of Attraction is one of the 12 universal laws, there are seven laws that fall under the Law of Attraction alone. By this you can decide on how you wish to experience life. It’s ancient wisdom. It teaches us how to master ourselves. And thus if we are centered on positive energy, we attract positive outcomes and vibrations. The Great Source has given life to you and to everyone. The Law of Rhythm. 1. Everything we see and experience in our physical world has its origin in the invisible, mental realm. The Hermetic Student is enabled to apply intelligently the great Mental Laws, instead of using them in a haphazard manner. In time and with awareness and practise you will transcend this Universal Law and your determination will be rewarded as the backward movements of the tide become less negative in how they effect you and hold you back. Many great leaders consulted them to find the truth and bring about progress. These laws cannot be transcended or changed. Everything we do, say, think and believe affects others and the universe around us. And within this universe stars, planets and all forms of life exist. Under this one great element aligns the seven laws of the universe. It states that everything that ever happens to us and that we experience happens in the Mental Realm. There is no SECRET at all. The Universe exists in perfect harmony by virtue of these Laws. This Universal Law of Gender is evident throughout creation in the so-called opposite sexes. Your feelings and emotions and intentions send out waves into the Universe and these will be reflected back to you. Knowing that the Great One which is the Source of all movement is one with us vibrates higher than any rhythm will help us surpass any tide that pulls us back. One of these mysteries is that you are part of god because all is one. All is One and One is All. All the information we receive using our five physical senses is conveyed to us through vibration. For every thought, there is an equal vibration. From the Universal Consciousness, springs forth all that is and everything that will be. Going over the 7 laws of the Universe, In my own style lol Also A slide show of the laws written out for your viewing from Every one of your thoughts, words, emotions or actions sets an energy in motion which will come to materialize in time. Positive energy will vibrate positively and negative energy will vibrate negatively. And ‘as above, so below’, this desire will come to manifest in your physical reality in time. In trancending this law, we become fully aware that man and woman are equal and that all things are made up of two parts that are equal. Thus when we realize that we are manifestors and creators, we can then know and realize that OUR REALITIES is created by our thoughts and our MINDS. It means we attract good things instead of being pulled by the rhythm. Since this law is mutable, it means we can have power over it. These are the first three of the seven laws. Knowledge of these Laws allowed them to live with happiness and success. Knowing these laws allow us to align ourselves with them instead of against them. This is the nature of the power of your mind. Take time to be silent, to just BE. The energy you create while on earth (below) automatically projects upwards (above) which is then returned to you (As above, so below). Everything "is" and "isn't" at the same time, all truths are but half truths and every truth is half false, there are two sides to everything, opposites are identical in nature, yet different in … You have to dream of it before it can ever happen! These are the first three of the seven laws. For an even deeper insight in the 7 Universal Laws join my email list and receive weekly ebooks, containing an in-depth explanation of each of the Seven Universal Laws, sent to your email inbox each week. This means that we are also manifestors and creators of realities as the adage said “I think, therefor I am”. The 7 Universal Laws of the Universe Explained. If the Universe were to choose for us it would eradicate our freewill and it is through freewill that we go on a journey to remember that we are all connected. And you will call it luck or fate. This means that life is a wheel and it would roll as our existence unravels. The Seven Spiritual Laws are powerful principles; put into practice they set you on a direct course to authentically achieve your goals. The Second Law also states that All is One and that everything like the tiniest atoms to the vasts galaxies and supernovas are of one force and thus every movement in each affects the other. You are governed by natural laws, like gravity, and there are the 7 Universal Laws of the Universe also. Until you make the unconscious conscious, the Law of Cause and Effect will continue to direct your life. Meaning what is created in one effects the other. By doing so, we can create a life which is more meaningful. Which are found in human beings, in plants, minerals, electrons, magnetic poles and throughout nature, for example. Learn about the 7 universal laws. All are in synchrony with themselves. The same applies to love and hate, peace and war, darkness and light, positive and negative, good and evil, energy and matter. Is merely a different effect on the power of your thoughts, words, emotions, feelings,,... And focuses on the Hermetic Student is enabled to apply intelligently the great mental Laws instead! You have n't considered how this Law might be applied to the largest star and versa! 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